Titan specializes in what the outdoor advertising industry terms "permanent-painted" displays which simply means each of our billboard units are sold to an individual advertiser on a long-term contract who is buying that specific unit on a "permanent" basis (typically for one year or longer).  This allows a small business to affordably target their market audience with just one select location and a single advertisement.

A "rotary" display is a different type of billboard unit on which an individual advertisers message is displayed for only a short period of time and a different advertising message is rotated onto the unit approximately every thirty to sixty days.  This is generally more expensive and requires the purchase of multiple units designed in a package to achieve coverage over a wider market area with a predetermined number of views or impressions per advertising dollar spent.


Why buy an expensive 30 second
television or radio ad or a tiny black &
white newspaper ad when (for less money) you can get a full color, larger than life billboard ad that is getting out your message 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!








When designing an advertisement for a billboard keep in mind that the most effective messages (the "copy") are always the most simple.  This cannot be over-emphasized because this medium is unlike any other.  Too often the mistake is made of putting too much content (especially small text) and the message is obscured, indistinguishable, or lost altogether.

REMEMBER:  Your target audience is traveling past the location at 70 plus miles per hour.  KEEP IT SIMPLE. The results will be far superior.

We want you to be happy with your advertisement.  Done properly, the billboard medium is one of the most effective means of communicating your message.  Our experienced staff is available to assist you in creating advertising copy that will have the most impact.

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